Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Cycle Touring Club York Rally 2011

The anual gathering of bikes and cycling folk on the Knavesmire.


Mid Summer Sunset

Not quite midsummer as that was a complete washout but as near as practical and the best so far this year.

York Sunset 20110623 5

Thursday, June 16, 2011

June in the Garden

4th Avenue June Sparrows 02

It's been a wet June this year so I have to grab the camera whenever there's an hour of sunlight. This time round there were some busy sparrows, jewels on the leaves and some red red roses with a little mystery at the end.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Architecture and Decay

Rust with All Stops Bokeh

A short tour round some of the byways of York that have become gently neglected in recent times and a brief return to see the Minster in a different light.

Clear Blue Water

Blue Ouse 2

The River Ouse is never blue but on some days you can pretend.

Rock Flowers

Rock Flowers 5

The Summer Sun finally simulating the brilliance of the Andes in the park. Splashes of colour among the limestone dust.