Thursday, July 28, 2011

Close the Coalhouse Door

GBRF Coal HYA / IIAs York 1

Sometime over the last couple of decades coal has gone from being a topic for political debate and industrial warfare to yet another element of Britain's hidden vital infrastructure. Generating a third of the UK's electricity, coal only appears in public these days from a high vantage point.

Masham Steam Fair 17th July 2011 Black & White

Masham Steam Rally 2011 03 bw

Some black & white prints from the Masham shoot.

Masham Steam Fair 17th July 2011

Masham Steam Rally 2011 60

A big shoot at the Masham Steam Fair. Some interesting silvery light on the day which was sympathetic to the subjects. Along with the haze of smoke it gave a sepia tint to the day.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011